COPPR@Zürich Satellite

We are organizing a European satellite COPPR@Zürich for COPPR24. Conference satellites are the best of both worlds: Participate in an overseas conference, meet fellow researchers but avoid carbon-intensive long-distance flights. 

The COPPR@Zürich satellite will make it possible for policy researchers in Europe to: 

  1. Gather as a community in order to participate in online sessions and discussions;
  2. Join side events we will organize in Zürich – there might even be a policy theory pub quiz.

The workshop will take place during COPPR24 (May 15th – May 17th) in Zürich, Switzerland, at the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zürich, right in the center of town. We feasibly can host up to around 30 researchers. Should we have significantly more, we will accept participants by the order of sign-up.

Satellite Program

The main satellite days with all satellite-specific social events are May 15th and May 16th. We decided to focus on two main days in order to make the event more accessible for people with obligations preventing them from joining for the full three days.

All times are local time (Zürich). For panel streaming, we will focus on streaming panels in the main event room where satellite participants will be involved, indicated in the program.

Wednesday, May 15th

13:00: Welcome@Zürich

14:45-15:45: Welcome@Syracuse Streaming

16:00-17:30: Streaming Panel 3: Örjan

18:45-20:15: Streaming Panel 13: Investigating Collaborative and Polycentric Governance Structures 


Thursday, May 16th

11:30: Joint Lunch@Zürich

14:30-16:00: Streaming Panel 32: Applying Computational Methods to Policy Process Scholarship


19:15-20:45: Panel 38: Conceptualizing the Causal Mechanisms of Policy-Oriented Learning in the Advocacy Coalition Framework

21:00-22:30: Streaming Panel 53: Disinformation, Risk, and Climate Policy


Friday, May 17th

14:30-16:00: Streaming Panel 54: Examining Networks of Cooperation and Collaboration

16:30-17:45: Streaming Panel 65: Narrators in the Narrative Policy Framework and Panel 66: Policymaking Along Multiple Streams 

18:00-18:30: Streaming Farewell Address@Syracuse


The satellite will take place on the premises of the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zürich, (Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich), right next to the main university building.


We can recommend the St. Josef Hotel (Hirschengraben 64, 8001 Zürich), based on previous experience. It is located very close to the event location.

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